
Occupational Therapy
As Pediatric Occupational Therapists, our services at Just For Kids are offered through a play based approach with the belief through play, children can learn and grow. Our occupational therapists foster a personal and professional relationship with our clients and their families. We recognize in order for positive changes to occur and remain for your family, the strategies we use in our clinic must be carried out through all facets of your child’s life. Just For Kids views each of our clients more as family than clientele. While we keep the utmost professionalism at all times, we also maintain that closeness, and create a bond with our clients so they know we truly care and have their best interests at heart.
Guiding Your Child To Success
High Functioning Autism, Sensory Processing, Developmental Delay, Physical Disabilities
Evaluations include parent interview, clinical observations, and standardized assessments.
Susan is certified in Ayres Sensory Integration including the SIPT, the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test. The SIPT is considered "The Gold Standard" of tests.
- Sensory Integration
- Therapeutic Listening
- Handwriting Practice
- Fine-Motor-Gross-Motor Coordination-Strengthening
- Self-Care Skills Independence
- Focusing Attention
- Social skills.
- Home Programs
Evaluations include parent interview, clinical observations, and standardized assessments.
Susan is certified in Ayres Sensory Integration including the SIPT, the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test. The SIPT is considered "The Gold Standard" of tests.

Kaya, the Therapy Dog
We have a dog on the premises. She is a self-trained therapy dog whose purpose is to get her love all over everyone. She won’t actually be in the clinic where kids are working.
You will see Kaya at the door when you enter, listening and watching at the top of the stairs, and rewarding you after for all your efforts in Occupational Therapy as you leave to practice your skills in your environment.