About Just For Kids

Susan Joy Horn OTR/L
An Occupational Therapist with more than 28 years of experience. Her experience working with the pediatric population includes clinical and school settings along with her own clinic Telehealth, Just For Kids. Susan is Ayres Sensory Integration Certified. Susan has completed an advanced Mentorship at The Starr Center in Denver under Lucy Jane Miller, and Sarah Schoen. Susan is trained in The Therapeutic Listening Program out of Wisconsin, "Handwriting Without Tears" and many modalities.
A Therapist Owned and Operated Therapy Clinic

At Just For Kids we foster a personal and professional relationship with our clients and their families. We want our clients and their family members, parents, siblings, caregivers, to know that we truly care and we have their best interests at heart. We work closely with families and provide home and school programs so their child's skills and progress are present across environments. We use a child-directed approach to enable maximum motivation and effort from the child. The Gym: Has a wide variety of suspended equipment and sensory opportunities. There is a comfortable waiting area for parents. A resource center is available for parents as well.
Experienced & Reliable

I am Susan Joy Horn. I grew up in a Chicago suburb, have many interests, and have been an Occupational Therapist for more than 28 years. Hobbies! Some of my favorites include kayaking and hiking with Kaya, my self-trained therapy dog, and continuing to learn and play the fiddle. I moved to Utah in 2005 for Love, and immediately started Just For Kids.
Be the best while doing our best, both in our personal lives and as a Private Practice
The foundation of trust and the fabric of all meaningful relationships – not only with our clients and the children who rely on us, but also with our team, who we rely on every day
How we welcome others into our family – with open arms, courtesy, kindness and a sense of belonging